
Monday, May 29, 2006

KHUM Humboldt County

This heads-up from Soundhound:



Your blog on freeform radio is excellent. I'm 24 but I'm hoping someday when this over-valuing of radio and the threats from Ipods and satellite sinks in, maybe some brave FMs will go back to freeform radio - theres tons of music out there that could be played, it's not like music got worse, but radio did. I worked in it, tried to branch out into playing some KPIG style music but the upper management canned me pretty fast.

There is one freeform commercial FM besides KPIG - KHUM in Humboldt County, CA. Check them out at

No playlists, just radio without the rules. Wonderful station and they do stream. Play plenty of new music and have in-studios often, along with coverage of Humboldt's infamous "kinetic sculpture race."

All the best,


KHUM 104.3 104.7 FM - Humboldt County California

Friday, May 19, 2006

Travus T. Hipp

Travus T. Hipp can still be heard on stations KPIG, KVMR, KMUD and KTHX. He also has a weekly column in the Sparks Tribune, Reno, Nevada. Recently, he was featured in the March 2006 issue of the Bay Area's THE MONTHLY:

The Monthly - March 2006

(Travus image courtesy of KPIG)

Other Hipp links include:

-- The Official Travus T. Hipp Story
-- Travus T. Hipp Technorati (Listen to Travus, now!)
-- Travus' Cabale News Network
-- Travus' Guest Writings
-- A Sample of Travus in the Internet Archive

(Travus image courtesy of THE MONTHLY)